
"Make a Sad Boy Smile" Follow Up....

Found some pictures by one of the photographers I met at GreatEclectic's show last week.  She was pretty awesome so I thought I'd share the follow up here:

A.Dilla The GENIUS
A.Dilla The GENIUS Tumblr

Most Amazing Voice EVER!

Me with a Friend

Me with More Friends

I, sadly, did not get there in time for a cupcake

Studio 900, if only I had a spot like this...I'm working on it

A series that demonstrated my lack of popular culture knowledge quite efficiently

The Artist

1 comment:

  1. I may suck at commenting on your blog, but that doesn't mean I don't read it! besides, I tweeted TWICE about your blog yesterday.

    Oh, and you are gorgeous. And I loooove your art critiques.

