
Finally...something has happened, but it still feels like a whole lot of nothing

I was finally able to get my hands on a decent camera with which to photograph some of my undergrad work with as well as some drawings for some current projects (which are side quests second to my current project at Atlanta Printmaker's Studio due at the end of June).

Still no personal website but I got back onto Inkteraction which is like a facebook/online social network for printmakers and should be fairly useful to me provided I actually use it like I'm supposed to. The pictures are all uploaded there and can be viewed here.

In the mean time, I'll probably be much better about updating my tumblr which I will be using to advertise other artist's websites and other fun tidbits I find on the web so check that out because it's bound to be a lot more interesting than my ramblings here. My current project is to relay the websites of all the awesome printmakers I met at SGC 2011. It's always an incredible experience and opportunity and I always feel deeply ashamed by my own work ethic when I attend, which is always the best motivation when I return home. So now I'm trying to kick my own butt into high gear while also contemplating spending too much money (is it ever too much for art?) on a summer workshop at Frogman's Press. I've pretty much decided to go for it but haven't decided on a class yet, so we will see.

By the way, if you're interested in seeing all the awesome craziness that was SGC then you should check out Printeresting's coverage of it...they always do the best job.

Otherwise, I have a job which will only take away from time in the studio but allow me to purchase things like Frogman's and hefty amounts of copper, wood, and duramount.

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