
Two Openings Back to Back

The Framer's show opening reception is Friday, May 18th at 6:30.  Should be fun and the proceeds from all the sales go to APS which is killer!

In addition, my solo show opens that night as well and the reception starts at 7.  I'm pumped and nervous and excited and freaked out all at once.

Here is the brief statement I wrote for the facebook event page (I hate writing this crap) and the details for the reception:

"People interact with mundane objects every day. For some, objects can take on considerable meaning and symbolism and the mundane can be transformed into the significant. This can happen in different ways and to varying degrees. A person sometimes chooses to assign meaning to an object, such as a piece of jewelry which they feel has brought them luck, and often people will look on a nostalgic time and remember a particular object, such as the car they took on family vacations, and think of home and loved ones. In light of the past year, during which I have been working with domestic violence survivors, I am particularly interested in the portrayal of the experiences that are more overpowering, those that people can rarely control and that are often inflicted by outside sources. Within the context of violent relationships, I have watched the objects we use everyday become twisted into tools of fear, control, and cruelty. As merely an advocate I can never completely comprehend the experience of the survivors of these incidents but I continue trying to scrape the surface of understanding as my own perspectives shift and deepen with each encounter."

Object and Experience-Prints and Drawings by Jessica Caldas
Opening Reception: Friday, May 18th, 7-10
Show dates: Friday, May 18th-Saturday, June 16th
The Arts Exchange
750 Kalb Street, SE, Atlanta, GA 30312

Color details from a few of the backgrounds-having camera issues and didn't want to wait to take pics of the finished prints.  Lovely though there is a slight blue tinge to them I didn't mean to add-alas I fail at the photography.

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