
Old Pics: Swoon in St. Louis

I was at SGC 2011 in St. Louis back in March which was before I had really started using this whole web log thing.  Anyway, I got to see one of my favorite artists, Swoon, speak and caught a few of her street installations:

Some kids...
Sooooooo pretty! 
Me being a fan girl and getting a picture with it...also, you can see how large they are...part of the reason I love 'em.
A day or two later with some other people's additions....


APS Print Big!

This Past weekend was Atlanta Printmakers Studio's Print Big! Event.  I only got to go for a few hours in the morning but even those hours were a blast.  The event is centered around different schools in the area, and APS themselves, carving 4X8 feet pieces of MDF and then printing them with a steamroller.  This is the second year running and my first year going.  I definitely support big printing and anything with steamrollers is good in my book.

Coverage from Creative Loafing
